This was father's day...apparently James is a father in trainning!!!

Zoo time!!! We went to Brookfield Zoo with Alex, Kelly and the kids at the beginning of the summer. We had so much fun. James made lion noised at all the animals! Here he is looking at the elephants.

Here are the sea lions...they kind of scared him cause they swam right up into the window.

Yes, he is wearing a leash...if you know James this was the only way to take him to a crowded zoo and not loose him. He's quick!

I promise I will try to post more now that it's summer...we just re-figured out how to put the pictures and videos from our phones onto the computer so hopefully it will be easier. Summer has been fun so far for James. He loves the park, water, playing outside and sports. Here are some examples.
Here is one of Papa Tim teaching James how to golf!!!! Be sure to watch whole video!
We found out he loves to swing, but not in the baby swings. He thinks he is a big boy, which he does really good on them!