Friday, July 24, 2009

So I'm 10months old now and I just started walking. My farthest so far is about 5 wobbly steps but I'm getting better every min!! I can't believe he is this big already!!! :(
I enjoy sitting down with a good book like daddy
Here is my goofy smile with a view of my teeth. I have 7 now!

Pa, don't tell mom. I think I can get the last sip of beer before she gets back....

Me and daddy, notice daddy is wearing my fishin hat. He's so funny!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Here is an older video of Harry and James playing together. I thought this one came out so cute!

Here is a video of Aaron tickling James about 3 weeks ago.

Here is a video of James giggling at Aaron throwing a toy in the air. You can tell who's goony laugh he got. I know you can't see it well we are still trying to work with the video camera.

Well now James is almost 10 months and he is crazy! He spends most of the day walking around the tv and coffee tables and not that interested in his toys cause he wants to be on the move more. He has also started to walk with one of his walking toys across the livingroom. It's not gonna be that much longer before he is off on his own!!!!
He is me and one of my many girlfriends Tess, we are only 2 weeks apart.

Here's James pickin on Uncle Pat!

My first time on the slide

Here is daddy pushing me on the swing.

Me and mommy on the 4th of July watching fireworks.

Me and Kole were both playing on his car toy but you can see from this picture to the next picture we started out with equal halves and I pushed my way to own the whole car. I am such a bully already!

Here is my meema reading me a new book she bought me. I love her!

Look at those!

Me and my rocking chair that daddy used to be able to fit in.

I still play x box with daddy when he lets me.

I love to look outside. I spend alot of my time standing at the door then crawling to the tv then to the coffeetable then back to the door again...this consumes most of my time.